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Consumer Reserach for Brands

When it comes to product, a brand has to come up with a sustainable strategy. A brand has to exist in the market for a longer period. It has to create value proposition for the end-user.

The research will find out better strategies for the Brands in the coming days. A better roadmap for innovation and better ways to reach out to the end consumer.

It starts by collecting data from the end-user/consumer; about their experience with using the product, and services. There is mainly Primary data and Secondary data; that need to be processed. Primary data is collected directly from the consumer and secondary data can be sourced from authentic articles and research. And as a result, it reveals useful findings and strategies for innovation. Great product or services comes out in a new way matching the client's needs.

When I was working with ICMR (Indian Council for Market Research) during my masters as part-timer; got first idea on consumer research and how it works. Before that I was working with Planman Media but I was keen to understand the consumer journey more; and how consumer research bridges the gap between the consumer and product. By identifying consmuer's need, expectations and attachment with the brand.

As one of my projejct I have done Mystery shopping for Bose. You can read the POST here


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